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tv   Headline News  RT  February 3, 2013 3:00am-3:46am EST

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the fight goes on violent crackdowns by egyptian police in cairo on protesters demanding the resignation of president mohamed morsi. so based on. israel faces an international backlash over its alleged as try going to damascus research center in syria which reportedly killed at least two people. the u.s. political elites and dos news secretaries for state and defense with neither expected to change much in america's foreign policy. the latest news and the week's top stories this is the weekly here on our c was me your leisure paula hello and welcome to the program turmoil in egypt has ended
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a second week with the opposition stepping up calls for president mohamed morsi to resign the latest wave of violent protests so one person killed and more than fifty injured in clashes near the presidential palace brutal crackdowns by police on demonstrators and reports. from cairo. i personally witnessed a lot of police brutality there's been a criticism of the police in the ministry of interior i'm off the british broadcast of a protester. beaten and dragged across the tarmac i saw this with my own eyes it could just but i this balcony the man who did not picture any resistance or any threat towards the police his trousers by his ankles was trying to break down and then a hit with truncheons being taken off me in a vehicle and later i also saw police come down an employee over a restaurant just off the phone line the man was trying to get home he searched.
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before the police officer with bird shot to shot him he fell to the ground the mistakes taken by an ambulance this comes off to protest is three more talks on the promise yesterday after which the security forces of replying to waive the excessive use of tear gas many people are condemning the police this morning saying this is another example all police because if you just make in security forces hands of one of the keep them on to the revolution something the president knows he must address there are still people on the hurry square and protest plans in the future opposition forces are not backing down there has been calls from both sides for dialogue the president said in so hostile dialogue with the opposition forces ahmed el baradei one of the elite is of another salvation front said he would engage in dialogue on the condition that they would be the day the government would resign and national salvation government would take over and the constitution would be revoked the president himself has said he will not this in t.v. set preconditions we do see this we see this kind of happening any time in the
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future so we expect the violence in the streets the protests across the country in the coming weeks. the different prime minister has meanwhile had his car pelted with stuns and bottles in cairo's tahrir square according to local media mostly decisive measures to dealing with the unrest with the military enjoying expanded powers during a month long state of emergency the president made a brief trip to germany but cancelled his paris visit due to the rest journalist and political activist while as can don says the most is european travels only serve to increase tension in his own country is going to the europe trip to secure funds perhaps for for egypt but what will you do with these funds when he's very hesitant and they you know he cannot even run his country how it works he left at a time when the police were exercising extreme brutality with
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a lot of people killed in the port. so where is him imposing the emergency law which he. promised he would never would. so so it's actually has been present and i think he's just trying to secure international relationships so that he can oppress the people you know back in his country the french box intervention in mali has been marred by alleged human rights abuses with activists accusing the joint forces of killing civilians torture and ethnic reprisals by the local arming and with the media attention focused on the visit of president francois hollande information about the reported atrocities his hardtop taking on his got an exclusive report from one of the war ravaged areas. of focus this time on the beach today molly's attention is gripped by the visit of president francois . to what the french military's victory over is the mysterious was celebrated
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triumphantly in this market area we've discovered allegations of war crimes information about them is under the control of mali's military government. i think it's getting more and more that he called to talk to people a lot of. human rights activists who are trying to identify witnesses all saying that people climbing up and feeling the heat they are scared to speak a lot of people here. very few fool the malian army seems to be doing whatever it can to prevent people from speaking to up a new take on the lot but in this government took advantage of the media's interest in all and for the first time visited the city's worst affected by hostilities today in the town of qana we were surprised by the arrival of mamadou seabed the minister for humanitarian action and solidarity this was an attempt to bring the bomb a cold government closer to the people who regard the capital as remote from them
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with this visit and this event staged by politicians coincided with the publication of reports by international organizations such as amnesty international and human rights watch alleging atrocities crimes and violence on both sides for instance in qana several civilians were reportedly killed in french air force shelling we tried to interview the injured however were unable to obtain evidence in a community that has until now been strictly regulated by the military authorities . he said to the ministry says an investigation is underway so far no evidence has been provided an eleven a judicial system do its job and these governments all its people and military men with a well a way of current events and we know that we cannot play this game. of the government has been attempting to assert political power despite very poor infrastructure today we spoke to an army private on his way back from them he told us he hadn't been paid or even properly for fifteen days and if this war continues
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there will be a need for justice after a comprehensive internal investigation rather than hard. filled celebrations and demonstrations of power. the french president during his visit to mali said terrorism has been repelled but not wiped out francois hollande to reiterate as the operation will go on for as long as necessary with the u.k. joining their foods by pledging several hundred troops for non-combat support and germany corben labor member of the u.k. parliament says britain could be in for a lengthy stay in mali. david cameron is getting sucked into something that i don't think he's seriously thought through two weeks ago we started offering transport planes to france we then sent force protection to back up the transport planes we sent trainers and we have additional force protection to protect them we then have surveillance aircraft going overhead and there are reports of u.k.
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special forces i think we're being dragged into this the danger is the more you send any troops in trainers over anything else just suppose something awful happens like one of the training groups is killed by what it to be insurgent forces what then happens you then go after those groups you then have a greater british military involvement we may well be in for a quite a long high tech surveillance. warfare being conducted by the french and possibly was britain and others. against people that know the terrain very well will be hidden by the local population this could be a very long and very nasty conflict. on wednesday news of israel's as try can see where broke the arab league slammed israel for its alleged as strikes describing it as a flagrant aggression and a violation of syria's sovereignty moscow that if that is confirmed it will be an
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abuse of the u.n. charter serious as israeli jets destroyed a military research center near damascus killing at least two western diplomats and syrian rebels claim the target was unarmed convoy near lebanon's border destined for hezbollah militants israel has kept silent about reports that edge to attack follows multiple failed attempts by rebel groups to storm the complex iran great aerated that it will continue to support c. or in the face of foreign aggression and by your way as a kiwi at open africa news as editor says it's all part of a wider plan to bring down the syrian government. well it's quite interesting that the israeli government. as well as the united states has not officially responded to this provocation against syria it is inevitably a situation in which they are opening up a not a front in the war against the government of bashar al assad part of that strategy of course has been a deployment of patriot missiles in turkey which is also a nato country on the border with syria the syrian government there has been quite
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resolute in its campaign against these rebels over the last two years although the rebel organizations many of which are backed by the united states and the other nato countries have caused a lot of disruption and dislocation inside of syria they have not shaken the result of the syrian government to maintain its position of authority inside the country so this is of course is another effort on the part of the backers of these rebels to further weaken and destabilize the government in damascus. but a hint of a more a current efforts to announce to see where this conflict russia's foreign minister by the neato the opposition syrian national coalition on the sidelines of a new nick security conference and both parties agreed that is a mountain to climb before negotiations between rebels and the government can happen oh no the hospitals have this is the biggest security conference really in
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the world in syria is one of the biggest security issues in the world right now sergey lavrov down for a meet seeing moyes out of the t.v. he's the leader of the syrian national coalition the foreign minister of russia coming away seemingly quite happy for the meeting he said upon his arrival back in moscow that well the syrian national coalition. the current syrian government citing the fact that the whole reason that the national coalition exists in the first place is because they had previously refused to talk to president assad however sergey lavrov did err on the side of caution saying that there was no guarantees that this dialogue would take place bringing up the point that the coalition is so frank amended they can hardly really agree with themselves never mind sit down to open negotiations with the current syrian government syria featured very highly in the address that was given by sergey
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lavrov to the the security conference he also told directly to russia's western partners as called for unity and trying to bring in an end to the violence and bring discussion to the forefront rather than talk of international intervention he did however raise a few questions towards russia's western partners suggesting that was it worth while pursuing their mantra of regime change in countries like syria at the expense of terrorist acts being cast a blind eye to as those acts take place against the civilian population and the the syrian army we also saw around two thousand people gather elsewhere in munich in protest against what they say is they just continuing growth across europe that was relatively peaceful but it was also a topic that had been touched on by saying for of in his address where he said that there was no real need for nato to expand in the way that it was in those two
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thousand people in the city also voicing the similar opinion. you're watching. and coming your way in just. we don't even realize how much of a police state the united states has become. he talks to a former cia officer who became a whistleblower on a market stall and is now waiting to turn into hope he is in prison. on a greece's labor ministry headquarters turns into a battleground us hundreds of protesters a brawl with police about imminent. or report shortly after the break. technology innovation. developments around russia we've. covered. if.
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peace is achieved if you feed. it it'll. do we speak your language they will not advance. what news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angola's kid stories. you hear. detroit all teach spanish find out more visit i to allahabad all tito is calm.
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and. plain. i i am .
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thanks. thanks. thanks thanks. thanks. thanks. thanks. to you. this is aussie life from moscow welcome back the u.s. political establishment is continuing to endorse new chiefs defense secretary nominee chuck hagel was grilled by the senate this week while senator john kerry
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has been sworn in as u.s. secretary of state kerry took over from hillary clinton and as international studies professor stephen zinn's told r.t. his likely to be a very old school in his approach. as an outspoken supporter of the iraq war and not only being among the you know right wing minority of democrats on capitol hill that vote authorizing the war but and not only. making up the stance of tales about massive biological chemical weapons stockpiles and nuclear program and delivery systems the livery systems that are going you're going to was clear that that was all wrong that there had no so-called weapons of mass destruction you said you wouldn't vote for the war anyway because saddam hussein was a terrible dictator and they have the capacity of making those kind of weapon sometimes mention of course like that criteria there were going to thirty countries with authoritarian regime that i have rather take ability. unconventional weapons
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and kerry was essentially they can reopen certain lines that hey we have a right you know adelaide and he is putting aside the moral and legal arguments no iraq was yours asterisked we're now in libya we're seeing all those consequences in terms of two hundred thousand men under arms. and these militias not controlled by the government you see the faults threat somalis algeria elsewhere is the same part of shortsightedness that we've seen so many other politicians in washington. and the first man convicted of america's prison torture program was waiting to start to turn to sentence but decorated cia veteran john kiriakou didn't interrogate anyone his crime was to tell the wild about washington's and then secret five run and in one of his final interviews before being locked away he told us how exactly what he thinks he's being punished for. first of all my case was not about leaking my case was about torture when i blew the whistle on torture in december of two thousand and seven the justice to department here in the united
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states began investigating me and never stopped investigating me until they were able to patch together. charge and force me into taking a plea agreement and i'll add another thing to when i took the plea in october of last year the judge said that she thought the plea was was fair and appropriate but once the courtroom was packed full of reporters last friday she decided that it was not long enough and if she had had the ability to she would have given me ten years in this post nine eleven atmosphere that we find ourselves in we have been losing our civil liberties incrementally over the last decade to the point where we don't even realize how much of a police state the united states has become you know ten years ago the thought of the national security agency spying on american citizens and intercepting their emails would have been anathema to americans and now it's just part of normal
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business. the idea that that our government would be using drone aircraft to assassinate american citizens who have never seen the inside of a courtroom who have never been charged with a crime have not had due process which is their constitutional right would have been unthinkable and it's something now that happens every every so often every few weeks every few months and there is no public outrage i think this is a very dangerous development. the timing closure of guantanamo bay as promised by president obama four years ago is as far away as ever the month shutting down the detention center has been transferred in a while investigations into america's so-called black science abroad have revealed little so huge details have been released from a years long probe into covert cia drills in poland in particular and there's. a report even if it were forthcoming justice might not be. guantanamo may hold all
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the headlines but all the interested it means people are moving their focus elsewhere so-called black sites secret prisons were established by the cia during its well publicized war on terror unlike the cause however these secret facilities were never publicly discussed by the authorities the u.s. claim they could hold prisoners outside the u.s. because then they wouldn't be subject to the geneva conventions to international law and humanitarian law reports suggest such prisons were in existence from two thousand and two basically not long after the events of nine eleven the u.s. government denied the existence of these prisons until two thousand and six now the only country in europe which has acknowledged the presence of a secret cia facility on its territory is lithuania and if you were to look at it you will you will see something almost a deliberate site except for the imposing fences surrounding it likewise a suspected secret prison in poland is believed to be located here apparently in
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one of the most beautiful spots in the country according to various reports mostly from journalists or human rights organizations so-called high value detainees were flown in by the cia for interrogation at these polish facilities. i managed to get records from the airport in germany where it's clear that they have learned an aircraft used by the cia very important evidence because until then everyone denied bs landings and reported different destinations of these flights to europe controlled however just like their american counterparts the authorities in warsaw have been extremely frugal with the details and investigation into the secret prisons has been dragging on for almost five years now but what earth during its course remains unknown therefore the extent of the investigations progress just like any information about the torture of prisoners regarding who what where when and how all of it remains a mystery and build investigation is rumored to conclude next month by the looks of
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it whatever its outcome it may also be a state secrets and swept under the carpet. and on r.t. dot com for you right now iran demonstrators are growing self-reliant rolling out of design for homemade bided jets which officials say are designed for defense purposes only and can evade radar so take a closer limits on our website. for you right now soldiers use tear gas and stun grenades against a group of palestinians erected a tent camp in protest at settlement expansion in the west bank we'll bring you more analysis and background on r.t. dot com. well gary's government is expected to suspend the russian and finance construction of a new nuclear power plant this comes after a national referendum voted in favor of the project the vote however was deemed invalid because of a low turnout the government said it was halting construction because of the high
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cost of the plant although some experts suggest bulgaria's allies in europe and the us fears the project could mean energy dependence on russia and remain off charles says authorities did their best to bring the vote down. you have to google gold that we are using clear nuclear power for approximately forty years and the result of city and country also boats that were losing very. very real world problems in the super bowl year and so on usually supporting nuclear power or just. approximately twenty percent just because of the efforts of the. majority but they have created special new special commissions in the parliament just just for that is that people look to vault to support purple but even in these conditions bulgarian voting.
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and to some other news stories making headlines this hour at least. having been told that some seventy injured after a group of gunmen under suicide bomber carried out attacks in the northern iraqi city of koku they were targeting the police headquarters but failed to take control of the compound no group has claimed responsibility for the attack it for occurred as an attic the divided city deeply in broiled in a sectarian conflict between shit kurdish and sunni factions. the roadside bomb attack in southern province of afghanistan has killed a family of five two of the victims were small children they were travelling by car when it ran over an explosive device it's not known whether the family was targeted on purpose. in spain riot police clash with hundreds of protesters in the capital madrid outrage was sparked up to a point minister at the holy denied corruption allegations and vowed not to resign
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or has been accused of rescinded of receiving more than two hundred fifty thousand euros in bribes or a decade the opposition is planning more demonstrations across the country if he doesn't step down and the pictures you're seeing right now from our she's recently formed international media news agency ruptly. under greece thousands of supporters of the extreme right golden dawn party much past the u.s. embassy in the torchlight procession there were chanting and to us and anti turkish slogans to commemorate a boarding incident that caused a crisis between greece and turkey seventeen years ago at the time a greek helicopter crashed over a disputed island in the adrian sea with the tigris military accused of shooting it down. and so greece was also hit by austerity is tried this week and this time protesters were angry at an imminent round of cuts to pay and pensions hundred bottles with police after storming the building of the labor minister's office and
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lord george could regardless as the authorities response was part of the new approach. the government has decided to follow up one of the c. of zero thought that us as its ace i guess that is distance to the state to measure us so we have steam the government to take the medicine measures that they are unconstitutional against that he sent stocks and now we have seen the order it will release clucked very violently against a generally peaceful and calm the most recent when it seemed the last three or four weeks i complain of propaganda try to convince us that now the worst has become the us the reason i don't believe that this is true is exactly because we are following this same set the full resources of was thirty minutes of the fourth leakiest has condemned greece to us fight of slow death that this recession of the economy
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kentucky and of the economy and a third source of measures oh by the boat when i see some of the population and to assume that the socialites i think that. we're following this set of. there's no school for us. and fled from here and i'll see getting the same treatment as the treated as a co was the song rain claimed they are constantly targeted by the authorities for treason does cut an anti-government demo. and also i had would take a look at how one of britain's oldest and local shops has found a way to survive against the domination of so pistoles and the struggling economy all the details after a short break. the first baby steps are joy. folds and bones
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are not a big deal. but they can cause terrible trauma. for children can be broken by bare touch. and only the will of life can make old pains and sores way. fragile people on r.t. . secret lover jury. was able to build a most sophisticated. mission to teach me. this is why you should care only.
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the people. in the traditional. the way our economic system. is not.
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this is i say welcome back medical workers in crisis locked bahrain say that being targeted by the authorities for treating injured protesters doctors say they were
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tribunal has been a severe while the government insists it's investigating the allegations. of skillets not those at tryst for trying to help nada dhaif was among a group of doctors who were trying to help the injured during a protest in bahrain she claims that after violently crushing the dissent the or forty's turned their attention to her and her colleagues who were providing first aid they deny. health care to the patient and protesters. the doctors did not obey the orders for such. decided to punish those doctors i was taken to a place for ten days that i didn't know where it was. all that time i was blindfolded and handcuffed i was in a solitary confinement for back to twenty one days. and they would just open the door of the cell and beat me up and there was
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a member of the royal family who directly was responsible of my torture she she was beating me and she looked cute to me almost two dozen doctors were arrested back then this for the fuel the anger of the protesters and turned the hospitals grounds into the scene of the rally the some money hospital is bahrain's leading medical institution and that's where most of the arrests have been made after those events it now looks like a fortress guarded heavily by the right police and not everybody can get a human rights activist so if you had suffered for speaking out against the regime and decided to come here for treatment you could make matters even worse for yourself anyone who was injured from the protests they cannot go to the hospital because they will be arrested interrogated beaten and taken to the jail last year many protester and in jail where torture insults and money we have a story and the similar people and protests are being tortured and the jail but in
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my country protests there were tortured inside. britain not who was charged with treason and sentenced to fifteen years in prison before being acquitted because of what she believed to be international pressure on bahrain's government the fate of many other doctors remains unclear the person who allegedly tortured not and others princes. has been officially charged by police she denies all allegations against her meanwhile the guy. woman stands resumed that the action to be against the hospital was the right thing to do. these doctors managed to control the emergency unit in the first floor of the hospital and started to perform political acts when a hospital is turned into a base for political and sick work this is a real disaster we had an unbiased committee investigating the hospital eight condemned the acts of these doctors. the case against one of the members of the
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world family may seem as an indication that bahrain's government has bowed to the negative global reaction with the doctor scandal being far from the only torture accusation c.c.t.v. cameras have been installed at all prisons in a move to become more transparent according to the authorities but with protests in the gulf states to continuing and accusations of human rights violations intensifying the opposition is still wondering what happens in the places where the cameras cannot see. reporting from the kingdom of bahrain. economists in the u.k. warned recent heavy snowfall in britain could push it into a triple dip recession independent retail is already phrase a struggle to keep going as it is but also he's pointed boyko went to see one ancient business which just turns the day the time down there is thriving with a little house from its friends it's older than buckingham palace and tower bridge
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and it's been a local store in the heart of rural east england for three hundred and seventy years visitors who stumble across the village shop in this remote region of norfolk say that it's like an oasis in the middle of the does it. it was faced with going out of business until twenty five villages stepped in raise five thousand pounds to keep it open and offered to walk them for free i couldn't live in this village without. the community nature of the village which is the free workforce allows it to stay open and breakeven i think people are happy in their lives by working for free. to come in and do something knowing that your contribution has a meaning or purpose isn't. it just heritage and we want to make sure he does continue to the next generation volunteers who run the say that there are two secrets to success locally sourced projects means that they're propping up the
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local economy take for example your free range eggs delivered from a nearby village there's a second recess secrets that the famous chocolate biscuits customers travel far and wide for this homemade treat but even with volunteers staying open is hard the onslaught of major national chains has immense buying power attempts with food sold for next to nothing has killed off thousands of independent british shops leaving villages and now wake up against supermarkets and we all use supermarkets but to be able to have a local store which does local produce and is something where you can chat to people meet everybody but the gossip that goes on in here is amazing it would be dreadful if we did it because once you lose something like this you can never get it back again and they're not alone in getting together to save their small shop from extinction there are three hundred other community stores in some of the
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u.k.'s most rural pockets winning customers by knowing that retail means detail. in really difficult economic times but they're really punching above their weight shops are offering something. quite different from what a supermarket is. offering for example they offer cafes they're offering postal services they're offering somewhere to go in and talk to your neighbors new friends and if working for free is what it takes to keep it hearing and shop open and so be it you know joe you know. i really do it's the kind of spirit that could see this tiny store weather the worst and hopefully stay open for another three hundred years polyploid. north norfolk u.k. it was one of the blonde his battles and human history and a turning point in world war two seventy years ago they saw that union snatched victory in stunning grant defacing the nazi war machine the epic battle opened
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a string of red on the victories that to get later led to the fall of the in his tone bottle full of now the commemorations and this is. the greatest in modern day volgograd is to mark the end of that terrible battle seventy years ago with a parade by troops the laying of wreaths from various delegations and the assembled crowds here remembering all those people that died there as many as two million but old fashioned us say there's also a little bit of control was the surrounding the name stalin graft the city is now called volgograd. but. say that they want on certain special days to once again refer to it by its old name stalingrad which is a controversial decision given its connection to that controversial slugger stalin himself but as for this parade today this commemorative event it will
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forever have the connection the word stalin grad not just with this place but with what happened to him. seventy years ago the nazi war machine failed at stalingrad but here a reconstruction of the german surrender. and dre is playing the part of powerless promoted the day before to field marshal by hitler in a bid to stop him capitulating bowles when paul is realized that hitler wanted him to commit suicide he said he wouldn't give him such pleasure and he chose to live. for nazi germany this military disaster was the moment hitler's hubris really caught up with him for the soviet union it was at last a decisive victory over the invaders the ravaged so much of the country this basement of stalin grads largest department store had become palaces last headquarters soviet officers entered to find it packed with wounded starving and freezing german soldiers this is what had become of what had started out as the
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largest army in the world had ever seen. the velma six army had surged up to the city in the summer of one nine hundred forty two hitler wanted to clear the way to the oil of the caucasus but stalin grad but first a sideshow became an object of obsession for both him and stalin fyodor fought for his very life battling house to house as the germans and their allies took ninety percent of the city but the question that i've. read was how the ball there was a re were firing and when we went to get water from it it was water and blood mixed . in november soviet commander of sprung a huge trap cutting german forces off from their supply lines surrounding them inside the frozen city by the end of january it was all but over the city was a ruin only the few biggest buildings remained standing. she was bogus but you know
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absolutely robert far people it was very important because finally we stopped retreating our offices in general started to learn how to win a stunning grant as many as two million people died in the battle their bodies still being discovered today but although the red army under soviet people didn't know it yet they had reached a turning point in the bloodiest war in human history tom barton r.t. up next dancing talks the director brian de palma about prose invasion on the military that powers america that's in just a few moments. rep or loopy fiasco actually caused a fiasco by singing a song highly critical of president obama ironically at
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a concert in honor of his second inauguration according to the huffington post he was thrown off stage by security for insulting the dear leader the sounds really bad like something out of one thousand nine hundred four where thugs come out of nowhere the second you say something out of line about the party. to the song looping it was singing it had been going on for thirty minutes at that point this rant was more like a hip hop filibuster stopping the whole show and dragging on and on and on the so i think security just wanted to silence him in general not silence his anti obama opinions so you know looping next time when you want to bring up obama's drone usage or total disregard for the constitution then keep it under three minutes and everything will be just fine but that's just my opinion. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives within a year of a diagnosis of each and over sixty two percent of those species i diagnosed with
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this is a problem that frankly is substantially preventable it was like the big elephant in the roman nobody wanted to talk about it there were really good public health campaigns that people really focused on this problem you certainly should be able have a lot less h.i.v. a lot less human suffering. for.
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mission impossible director brian de palma it's great to have you with us because all of our stone who wrote the script to one of your best known films scarface said in an interview with r t that americans are living in a well in state it might not be oppressive on the surface but there's no place to hide so eventually some parts of you is going to end up in the database somewhere according to historian peter cause nick the us government intercepts over one point seven billion messages a day are you aware of it like it understood now or was paranoid because i would like myself a very strong. views about where our american foreign policy is. needless to say i've probably been followed around.


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